Mission Statement
To promote the creative and spiritual exercise of writing haiku and other poetry by all—and especially by young people—as a way to encourage literacy, appreciation of nature and human nature, and the value of connected community. Also, to further the work and poetry of Camden's son, Nick Virgilio on our own and in partnership with academic, civic, cultural and other institutions and their resources.
History and Purpose of the Nick Virgilio Haiku Association
The Nick Virgilio Haiku Association was founded in 1989 to promote the writing of haiku poetry, to provide encouragement and support to young people to write poetry, and to further the work and poetry of Camden haiku poet Nick Virgilio. In over twenty years since its inception the NVHA has:
endowed and managed an annual haiku competition for middle and high school students in collaboration with the national Haiku Society of America;
organized numerous educational workshops in the writing of haiku, and on one occasion a poetry in the schools effort, Whitman Alive, in Camden and Camden County schools on the occasion of the Whitman centenary observance (1992);
maintained a membership of nearly one hundred persons, some ‘lifetime members’ others who pay annual dues; and
sponsored an annual poetry reading and celebration to mark Nick Virgilio’s birthday and encourage the writing of haiku.
Nick Virgilio reading his poetry.
Donations and Mail:
1924 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130